One of Satan’s craftiest plans is to keep you discouraged, depressed, and anxious by keeping you isolated. He wants to convince you that you don’t belong and that you don’t have a place. He wants to get you by yourself so that you don’t have an army of support pouring truth, fellowship, and hope into your life. Don’t believe him.
You may not feel like being with people. You may be tired of people. You may feel forgotten. You may feel out of place. Your life may look so different than you expected that you don’t even know where to begin.
There are times to give yourself a break and to seek the Lord in solitude. But you can’t stay in solitude. You’ve got to come out of it eventually.
To thrive at the best version of who He created you to be, you have to keep showing up even when it is hard. If you haven’t found the right spot yet for community, keep looking. Keep asking God to lead you to the place where He wants you to flourish for this season.
I have known so many times when the hardest thing for me to do was to pull my feet out of bed, get dressed, and go be with people. The world that was continuing to spin felt so insulting to MY world, which had halted. But when I leaned into the Lord’s strength to get out of isolation, I was encouraged and gained a little more strength to keep on going and to discover the next right step on my road to healing and hope.
You can know this strength and hope, too. Reject Satan’s unfulfillable promises of comfort in isolation. You will still be hurt there. His promises are lies. Receive God’s faithful promises of redemption to your pain and the ironic, yet beautiful healing that comes by His broken Body. And I mean His actual body and the body of His people, too. Isn’t it interesting that both are comprised of brokenness and both are tools of mending, His actual broken body being at the helm of stitching wounds to make redeemed scars?
God commands us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together. He tells us that when one man is weak, the other will pick us up. So if you haven’t found that yet, keep on going. Don’t isolate yourself. Keep on going. Even if your first step is sitting in a congregation. Behind every face in the row next to you, there is a story. You may look around and see people that look like they have picture perfect lives, but that comparison from your vantage point is anything but true. They have a story like you have a story. And each of your stories matter deeply to God. Your story may encourage one of those faces and theirs may encourage yours.
Don’t buy into Satan’s lies that isolation will protect your broken heart. It will perpetuate the brokenness. Believe God that where 2 or 3 are gathered, there He is in the midst.
You don’t have to walk alone.
Jesus took the last, worst lonely walk this world needed so that you wouldn’t have to.