Why You Should Let Your Life Get Wrecked

Have you ever had your life ruined for the best or as my friend Cyrus Mad-Bondo, puts it, “gloriously wrecked”? I have. It wasn’t because of something terrible that happened to me. It was because of my encounter with a few hundred beautiful souls in a land that once existed only as an uncharted, frightening territory in my own little world. It was because of the souls behind the faces of the people I met in Africa.

My life was gloriously wrecked because of Linda. She was about 11 or 12 years old. Her parents had died. She was raising her two younger siblings while her aunt prostituted herself by the coast to earn enough money for them to eat.  Linda tested positive for HIV. But when I met her…

Read more: http://worldhelp.net/why-you-should-let-your-life-get-wrecked/#ixzz3528c3ThP



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